Anyways, the real reason for this post is to let you know that we have new SassyStraps in stock and we also have a promotion going on for our facebook group members. Not a member? Join here. Here's the promotion: Buy any two SassyStraps and get one of the following SassyStraps free: Black and White Houndstooth, Hot Pink Houndstooth, Teal Houndstooth, Multi-Dot on White Satin, or Black and White Scroll Satin. At check-out you will be directed to PayPal's website-- click on the link "Add special instructions to merchant" on the left (below the product descriptions) and tell us which free SassyStrap you want. This promotion will end on November 15th, unless we run out of stock sooner than that. Free SassyStraps are non-refundable. Tell your friends to join our Facebook group so they can be part of this promotion!
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