There are many things I have wanted to do over the past seven years, which have not been feasible with a young family. I definitely do not regret my decision to have children-- all of the sacrifices, stress, lack of sleep, frequent periods of insanity, etc. are all worth it. The truth is, even though raising children is difficult regardless of one's circumstances, we have it really good in North America (for the most part). Aside from access to basic necessities of life (food, clothing, shelter, clean water, healthcare, etc.), we have access to many resources that improve our quality of life, such as education and employment. We have so much and it is easy to take it all for granted. It is easy to forget that there are millions of people who don't have access to even the basic necessities of life, let alone education and social programs. I grumble about having to make school lunches, while a mother across the globe worries about where her child's next meal will come from.
In a later season of life, I look forward to participating in humanitarian relief efforts. It will be extremely rewarding to provide healthcare aide and other assistance in poverty-stricken countries. At the present time, leaving my children for weeks at a time probably isn't a great parenting move. I was so happy when Canadian Humanitarian contacted me regarding forming a partnership with them. I am familiar with this organization and am very impressed with their work in Ethiopia. Of course I immediately agreed to a partnership and have committed 7.5% of all sales from MiaMum™ Inc. I can't wait to go to Ethipoia with them one day!
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief is a Canadian non-religious, non-political charitable organization dedicated to assisting disadvantaged children and their families in Ethiopia break free from the cycle of poverty. Canadian Humanitarian operates in partnership with five local Ethiopian project partners.
Our mission is “To break the cycle of poverty by providing orphaned and vulnerable children and their families with access to health care, education, vocational training, and the basic necessities of life such as nutrition and shelter.”
Canadian Humanitarian believes in local solutions to local struggles. This leads us to partner with local individuals and local organizations overseas to create opportunity for individuals, families and communities. Adopting a community based development approach; we provide tools to community members enabling them to get themselves out of poverty.
Canadian Humanitarian supports the project partners through the provision of financial-, technical-, and knowledge-based resources. The relationship between Canadian Humanitarian and the project partners ensures that children and families in need receive the basic necessities of life, education and tutoring, access to post-secondary training, skill development opportunities, and community-based social clubs and activities.
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief was founded in 2003 and is situated in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The organization has nine Canadian chapters across Canada, is a registered charity in the United States under the name Kids Hope Ethiopia, and is legally registered in the country of Ethiopia.